Shared Recordset Definition
I think that the modules I developed for Sentosa Autoforms are quite elegant and flexible (expecially the Sentosa::SQL module, and the DataDatables and JSON modules) so I decided to reuse them! However I don’t like the fact that Sentosa Autoforms is all driven by database data.. while it’s sometimes very convenient, I don’t like the layer of complexity that it adds.
So I started to work on it, trying to figure out a simpler solution!
First of all, I needed to store all recordset information on a variable, shared to all components. The hashref recordset
goes to the
pure perl component:
my $recordset = {
# Allarms
"alarms" => {
description => 'Alarms',
connection => { db => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=dbname;host=', username => 'myusername', password => 'mypassword' },
source => "alarms",
pk => 'id',
columns => [
{ col => 'paziente', caption => 'Paziente', type => 'text', 'link-id' => '4' },
{ col => 'data_nascita', caption => 'Data Nasc', type => 'text' },
{ col => 'dataora', caption => 'Data/ora PS', type => 'text' },
{ col => 'osp_ps_priorita_ingresso', caption => 'Priorità', type => 'text' },
{ col => 'link_fascicolo', caption => 'Fascicolo', type => 'hidden' }
json => 'json/alarms.json'
Pretty elegant! Also I can use all kinds of Perl stuff to make it more tidy or more compact (e.g. I can specify a connections hash_ref, and I can calculate the array_ref columns somehow.. also, Sentosa has to process every query every time we access a recordset, while with this systems I can pre-calculate all queries at runtime the first time we access it).
How can I share this recordset data to all components? I can specify a method at the end of the
method getrecordset($rs) {
return $recordset->{$rs};
and then the default handler inside the json directory can be just like this:
extends => '../';
has '_id';
has '_app';
has 'iDisplayStart';
has 'iDisplayLength';
has 'iColumns';
has 'sEcho';
my ($recordset_name, $ext) = $m->path_info =~ /(.*)(\.json)$/;
if (! $.getrecordset($recordset_name)) {
obj => {
source => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{source},
pk => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{pk},
db => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{connection}->{db},
name => 'allarmi_osp_ricovero',
description => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{description},
username => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{connection}->{username},
password => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{connection}->{password}
columns => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{columns},
iDisplayStart => $.iDisplayStart,
iDisplayLength => $.iDisplayLength,
iColumns => $.iColumns,
sEcho => $.sEcho,
searchArgs => $.args
it will inherit only from the (no html, only perl!) … and yes, I know this is a little ugly and not too elegant, but at least I can use the query-data-widget (and the query-widget as well) without major updates. I will work on making it better :)
Ah only one thing has to be updated! instead of working on the $.columns
object I figured out that I have to work on a local copy of the object:
use Clone 'clone';
my $local_columns = clone($.columns);
otherwise, everytime I modify the columns object to add a temporary filter, the next time the filter is still there - because it’s a hash_ref!
To call the query widget I use this:
query => {
id => 'osp-ps',
json => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{json},
description => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{description},
pk => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{pk},
columns => $.getrecordset($recordset_name)->{columns},
params => { 'table_link' => undef, 'hide_title' => 1, 'hide_top' => 1, 'hide_bottom' => 0 }
Well this environment is much more comfortable, I think I can add plenty of improvements soon, and I think I can write a good manual of how to use those components. See you soon!