Sentosa Autoforms by default stores all of its users, settings and objects in a local SQLite database. The default connection is defined in lib\Sentosa\ module:

package Sentosa::Import;
use Poet::Moose;
extends 'Poet::Import';

use DBI;

method provide_var_dbh ($caller) {
  return DBI->connect(
    { RaiseError => 1 },
  ) or die $DBI::errstr;


this module provides a shared variable $dbh that contains an active DBI handler to the standard SQLite database, you can however modify it in order to use any other database. This is what I use for PostgreSQL:

package Sentosa::Import;
use Poet::Moose;
extends 'Poet::Import';

use DBI;

my $mydbh = DBI->connect(
    { RaiseError => 1 },
  ) or die $DBI::errstr;

method provide_var_dbh ($caller) {
  $mydbh->do("SET search_path TO sentosa");
  return $mydbh;


Since I stored Sentosa tables into a PostgreSQL schema called sentosa I had to modify a little the previous module in order to use the correct schema:

SET search_path TO sentosa